Knowing us deeper
than our pronouns

There's so much more to us than the pronouns and bathrooms we use, than "I'm a man" or "I'm a woman" or "I'm nonbinary." Join me on this journey of hearing us and understanding us more deeply.

Learn here rather than with the trans folks in your life, so that you can get closer to trans people and care more deeply in the present for your trans loved ones, employees, colleagues, partners, lovers, and friends. Learn many different aspects of our lives, what we are navigating every day that remains invisible to most cisgender people.

I am here to help you

...reach for connection for trans people that feels good - to everyone involved

Write your awesome label here.

See transcription of the video here

If you work with me...

Expect deep questions,
an invitation to journal or have a conversation with a loved one or with me. 

Expect hearing my own and other gender expansive folks' stories, so you get practice being with us, even when not live.

You'll get audio or video with every question I ask, so you can learn why I asked it and expand your own thinking.

Go at your own pace, and go as deep as you'd like.

My approach

Many ways to dig in...and no wrong way. 
Online courses, 1-on-1 consultations, or live workshops

No shame and blame

I meet you where you are at. I want to know your own story . Where have you felt affirmed in your life? When has someone dismissed or ignored you? Where have you felt boxed in by your own gender expectations? Where have you been hurt around connection? 

If you don't know something, I don't use shame and blame, and I do not yell at you. I take care of my own capacity in the energy it takes to do this work, so that we can have deep conversations across different identities. 

Using questions to go deeper

Questions are sacred to me - I use question to get to know you, to offer my own vulnerability, and to find that balance between holding you where you're at, and pushing you to grow. 

While I hold a supportive and healing container, this is not one-way therapy and I will share my own stories with you.  I encourage you to ask me questions! 

Connection looks many different ways

  • mediation or facilitated conversations
  • 1-on-1 coaching on supporting the trans and gender expansive people in your life
  • coaching you as we role play different scenarios, to give you live, embodied practice and feedback
  • meditations and embodiment around gender
  • online courses around the topics most relevant to you
  • staff trainings
  • parent group workshops
  • therapist cohort workshops

Your support directly impacts trans and nonbinary people.

Your purchases help me provide accessible or free pricing to trans and nonbinary people wanting mentorship but cannot afford it. 
Thank you!

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